1. MEA Help Center
  2. Santa Fe Workshops

Can I arrive before my workshop or stay an extra night?

We often have the ability to invite you to arrive early or stay later to extend your time with MEA.

We often have the ability to invite you to campus prior to the start date of your workshop to allow you the space to settle into campus and mentally prepare for your time with us.

And there's nothing better than having a day or two of decompression post-workshop to give you the time and space to integrate all you've experienced with your cohort.

Tip: Please confirm your availability by sending your request to admissions@modernelderacademy.com.

Because days between our workshops are times for our amazing Hospitality Staff to get some rest, the campus will be blissfully quiet and peaceful with limited staff available.

You'll have access to these amenities:

  • Three meals per day plus snacks and beverages.
  • Access to our movement studio, pools, hot tub, and of course, the natural surroundings to explore.
  • Our incredible library of books to get lost in.

The price to stay is $495 per night and includes all taxes. You'll be responsible for your ground transportation fees for each way that is not a workshop date. Simply update your Campus Profile with your flight details once confirmed for the additional nights and we'll take care of the rest!